Probabilistic View
A neural network can be viewed as probabilistic model . For classification, is a set of classes and is a categorical distribution. For regression, is a continuous variable and is a Gaussian distribution.
Given a training dataset we can construct the likelihood function which is a function of parameters . Maximizing the likelihood function gives the maximimum likelihood estimate (MLE) of . The usual optimization objective during training is the negative log likelihood. For a categorical distribution this is the cross entropy error function, for a Gaussian distribution this is proportional to the sum of squares error function. MLE can lead to severe overfitting though.
Multiplying the likelihood with a prior distribution is, by Bayes theorem, proportional to the posterior distribution . Maximizing gives the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate of $$. Computing the MAP estimate has a regularizing effect and can prevent overfitting. The optimization objectives here are the same as for MLE plus a regularization term coming from the log prior.
Both MLE and MAP give point estimates of parameters. If we instead had a full posterior distribution over parameters we could make predictions that take weight uncertainty into account. This is covered by the posterior predictive distribution in which the parameters have been marginalized out. This is equivalent to averaging predictions from an ensemble of neural networks weighted by the posterior probabilities of their parameters w.
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