Probabilistic View

A neural network can be viewed as probabilistic model p(yx,w)p(y|x,w) . For classification, yy is a set of classes and p(yx,w) p(y|x,w) is a categorical distribution. For regression, yy is a continuous variable and p(yx,w)p(y|x,w) is a Gaussian distribution.

Given a training dataset D={xi,yi}D=\{x^i,y^i\} we can construct the likelihood function p(Dw)=ip(yi,xiw)p(D|w)=∏_ip(y^i, x^i |w) which is a function of parameters ww . Maximizing the likelihood function gives the maximimum likelihood estimate (MLE) of ww. The usual optimization objective during training is the negative log likelihood. For a categorical distribution this is the cross entropy error function, for a Gaussian distribution this is proportional to the sum of squares error function. MLE can lead to severe overfitting though.

Multiplying the likelihood with a prior distribution p(w)p(w) is, by Bayes theorem, proportional to the posterior distribution p(wD)p(Dw)p(w)p(w|D)∝p(D|w)p(w) . Maximizing p(Dw)p(w)p(D|w)p(w) gives the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate of $$. Computing the MAP estimate has a regularizing effect and can prevent overfitting. The optimization objectives here are the same as for MLE plus a regularization term coming from the log prior.

Both MLE and MAP give point estimates of parameters. If we instead had a full posterior distribution over parameters we could make predictions that take weight uncertainty into account. This is covered by the posterior predictive distribution p(yx,D)=p(yx,w)p(wD)dwp(y|x,D)=∫p(y|x,w)p(w|D)dw in which the parameters have been marginalized out. This is equivalent to averaging predictions from an ensemble of neural networks weighted by the posterior probabilities of their parameters w.

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