iCaRL: Incremental Classifier and Representation Learning
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New training strategy to learning in class-incremental setting without catastrophic forgetting. Only the training data for a small number of classes has to be present at the same time and new classes can be added progressively.
It simultaneously learns classifiers and feature representations in the class-incremental setting.
classification by a nearest-mean-of-examplars rule
prioritized exemplar selection based on herding.
representation learning using knowledge distillation and prototype rehearsal.
Class Incremental Setting: When stream of data is provided to train and different classes occur at different time. Computational requirement and memory footprint should remain bounded.
Catastrophic forgetting: When naively use SGD for training in class incremental training, the classification accuracy deteriorates as more classed comes, because network forgets about previous classes seen during training.
Classification: sets of exemplar images, each set corresponding to each class of image. Total number of exemplar images never exceeds parameter K.
mean-of-exemplars classifier:
Training: This procedure determines the update of network weights and exemplar sets, etc.
Architecture: We interpret the network as a trainable feature extractor, Ļ : X ā Rd, fol- lowed by a single classification layer with as many sigmoid output nodes as classes observed so far. All feature vectors are L2-normalized, and the results of any operation on feature vectors, e.g. averages, are also re-normalized, which we do not write explicitly to avoid a cluttered notation.