Matrix Decomposition
Eigen Decomposition
An eigenvector of a square matrix \matrix Ais a vector , such that multiplying it by \matrix Aonly change its scale.
The scalar which is scaling factor is called eigenvalue.
There is something called left eigenvector which can be found as: .
The eigendecomposition of a real symmetric matrix can also be used to optimize quadratic expressions of the form f(\boldsymbol x) = \boldsymbol x^T \matrix A\boldsymbol xsubject to . Whenever x is equal to an eigenvector of A, f takes on the value of the corresponding eigenvalue. The maximum value of f within the constraint region is the maximum eigenvalue and its minimum value within the constraint region is the minimum eigenvalue.
NOTE: Eigen Value Decomposition is only defined for square matrix.
Some properties of eigendecomposition.
A matrix is singular if and only if any of the eigenvalues are zero.
A matrix whose eigenvalues are all positive is called positive definite.
A matrix whose eigenvalues are all positive or zero is called positive semdefinite.
Singular Value Decomposition
SVD is more general in nature than eigenvalue decomposition. It's more informative than eigendecomposition.
if is , then is , is diagonal matrix of , is matrix of .
Both and are orthogonal matrices. Note that is not necessarily square. The diagonal values are singular values of matrix . The columns of U are known as the left-singular vectors. The columns of V are known as as the right-singular vectors.
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