
Understanding the Calibration file

This file basically contains all the transform between between different frames of camera such as velodyne, camera, etc.

Use following links to understand it:

Kitti official Data Discription
This is what is given in

Main equation for transformation

y=Prectixrecty = P_{rect}^i x^{rect}

In the calib.txt file, the P0,P1,P2,P3P_0, P_1, P_2, P_3matrices are the projection matrix which project the 3D point xrectx_{rect}in rectified camera coordinate frame to image coordinates of camera ii. Please note that rectified camera coordinate frame is not related to any camera ii. So basically these PiP_igiven in calib.txt are actuallyPrectiP_{rect}^i and takes points in rectifies camera coordinate and not points in ithi^{th}camera coordinate frames.

y=PrectiRrect0Trvelo−to−cam0xveloy = P_{rect}^i R_{rect}^0 Tr^{velo-to-cam0} x^{velo}

This is one of the main equation given in the file for transformations of points. Here xvelox^{velo}is 3D point in velodyne coordinate frame. Trvelo−to−cam0Tr^{velo-to-cam0} transform an point from velodyne to reference camera (cam0) coordinate frame. ie. xcam0=Trvelo−to−cam0xvelox^{cam0} = Tr^{velo-to-cam0}x^{velo}. xcam0x^{cam0}is in cam0 coordinate frame, cam0 is reference camera in kitti.

xrect=Rrect0xcam0x^{rect}= R_{rect}^0x^{cam0}

We need xxin rectified frame to be worked with PrectiP_{rect}^i. Hence we use Rrect0R_{rect}^0which transform point from cam0 coordinate frame to rectified coordinate frame.

Different Packages for using Kitti Dataset

Python Package to read Kitti data.

Covert Kitti dataset to ROS Bag or Publish as ROS topics.

Last updated