Prisoner's Dilemma
If agents do not cooperate, the best (global) outcome possible is missed.
COP 21 Game
2 actions per states
Do not pollute (Cost = 3)
Pollute (cost=1 and +1 for everyone)
What is the equilibrium?
Multi-Player Game
n players, each player pick a strat and occurs a loss.
lk(s1,,s−k) Goal of the player: Minimize their loss
Zero-Sum Two-player Games
Zero-sum: ∑k=1nlk=0
Action for each players: i∈[n]=1,....,n and j∈[m]
i∈[n]minj∈[m]maxlij Mix strategies
For example in the game of rock-paper-scissor
We have probabilities over actions of each player as p=[p1,p2,]∈Δnand q=[q1,q2,...,qm]∈Δm
Payoff: l(p,q):=Ei∼p,j∼q[lij]=pTLq
Game: minp∈Δnmaxq∈ΔmpTLq
Nash Equilibrium of a Game
Best worst-case move
s∗∈NASH⟹lk(sk∗,s−k∗)≤lk(sk,s−k∗)∀s Theorem
Any game with a finite set of players and a finite set of strategies has a Nash equilibrium of mixed strategies.