Chapter 6: Deep FeedForward Networks

Deep neural networks starts here

Affine Transformation -

In geometry, an affine transformation, affine map[1] or an affinity is a function between affine spaces which preserves points, straight lines and planes. Also, sets of parallel lines remain parallel after an affine transformation. An affine transformation does not necessarily preserve angles between lines or distances between points, though it does preserve ratios of distances between points lying on a straight line. If X and Y are affine spaces, then every affine transformation f : X → Y is of the form x ↦ M x + b, where M is a linear transformation on X and b is a vector in Y. Unlike a purely linear transformation, an affine map need not preserve the zero point in a linear space. Thus, every linear transformation is affine, but not every affine transformation is linear. For real numbers, the map x ↦ x + 1 is not linear (but is an affine transformation; y = x + 1 is a linear equation, as the term is used in analytic geometry.)

Properties preserved:

  • collinearity

  • Parallelism

  • convexity

  • ratios of length

Adding a Hidden Layer:

When you add a hideen layer, you are doing an affine transformation followed by a non-linearization. Now in the new space generated often called feature space, it is possible to use a linear model which was not possible before affine+non-linear transformation.

Cost Function:

If you know model of P(y|x), then -log P(y|x) can be consider as loss function for a neural network to learn the model.

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