Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning

About Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning

MARL have more complex framework which is generalisation of the Markov decision process, it is called Stochastic or Markov Games.

Markov Games:

• n is the number of agents • S = {S1, ..., SN} is a finite set of environment states, • Ak is the action set of player k, • T : S ×A× S → [0, 1] is the state transition probability function, • Rk : S ×A× S → R is the reward function of player k. Where

Where Ak(si) denotes the set of actions available to agent k when it is in state i. Consequently, the reward function Rk and the transition probability T also depend on this state si, on the next state sj, and on a joint action ai = (ai 1, n) from this state. The reward of agent k for their action in time step t is thus rk,t+1 = Rk(si, ai, sj). The expected return as we defined in the introduction changes in the same way; it is now also dependent on the joint action ai.


  • Based on Cooperation

    • Fully Cooperative - there is no conflict between the agents’ goals, which is the case when they all have the same reward function

    • Fully Competitive - the agents have completely conflicting goals (e.g. opposite re- ward functions)

    • Mixed - the setting is neither fully cooperative nor fully competitive: there is no constraint on the reward function.

  • Based on Observability

    • Independent Learners - Agents do not observe each other. This does not change the fact that other agents’ actions could influence the environment, but it will be considered as noise.

    • Joint action learners - where agents actually observe each other.

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