QR Decomposition
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For any real square matrix we have
Where is an orthogonal matrix and is an upper trianguler matrix.
Used to solve linear least square problems.
Remember that the orthogonal matrix preserves lengths and angles in linear space. This means that multiplying a vector by an orthogonal matrix will preserve lengths and angles between vectors.
What does the upper triangular matrix mean? So let's say if we have an upper triangular matrix .
columns are linear combinations of columns of in proportion decided by values in matrix . Since is an upper triangular matrix, it means that any column of is linear combination of only columns on or before that column in i.e column of is combinations of columns of .
The first k columns of Q form an orthonormal basis for the span of the first k columns of A for any 1 ≤ k ≤ n. The fact that any column k of A only depends on the first k columns of Q is responsible for the triangular form of R.
The process described in the pictures above is called Gram-Schimdt Orthogonalizatoin procedure.
So basically QR decomposition captures the gram-schimdt orthogonailzation. it decomposed the matrix as to how to get multiply an orthogonal matrix by an upper triangular matrix .
The QR decomposition of tall matrix of full rank is closely related to the problem of computing a Cholesky factorization of the nonsingular matrix . Specifically, if , then where the lower triangular matrix can now be identified as the Cholesky factor of .